i Helvete – album review „Yksi Yhteinen Yhteiskunta“

The second concept album “Yksi Yhteinen Yhteiskunta” will see the light on 24th of November 2023.
The band took its first breath in 2018 by releasing double-single “Pimeyden Ytimessä / Umpikuja”. After two years of writing new material i Helvete grew from duo to a full band and went back to the studio to record their praised concept debut album “Sinisten Puiden Niitty” in 2021.
For me it’s important that I can feel and understand the story through the music itself especially when the lyrics are in finnish language. That’s something unique which i Helvete managed excellent with their new album.
„Melodic black metal riffs, choir synths and catchiness from the modern metal. That’s how Finnish extreme metal band i Helvete swallows the listener to the edge of Northern Darkness.“ To their own description I have to add this band combines so many different genres creating their own i Helvete style. Doom, melodic death metal, even groove and rock/pop vibes you’ll find in their compositions.
Piano, accordion, acoustic guitars accompany catchy e-guitar riffs, bass lines and excellent drumming. In three songs the amazing female voice (Anna Pellikka) as a counterpart to Aleksi’s harsh vocals also brings variety to this fantastic album. Breaks followed by classical orchestration parts, piano or acoustic guitars are surprising and make you shiver.
Every time you listen to it you’ll discover something new to get lost in. That’s what I want to hear more of. The fact that I can’t name a favourite song from the album is the final reason for giving it
9 points from 10.
i Helvete already found their own unique style which I higly recommend you to check out. And hopefully the time will come to listen to it at a concert!
Release Date: November 24th 2023, Inverse Records
Track List:

1. Yksi Yhteinen Yhteiskunta
2. KKK
3. Uuden Ajan ABC
4. Yhdestoista Hetki
5. Paratiisi
6. Suuri Puhdistus
7. Valittu Kansa
8. V Niin Kuin Vallankumous
I Helvete are:
Aleksi Mäkelä – vocals & guitar
Hannu Kujala – guitar
Tapio Holappa – Bass & mandolin
Teemu Koski – drums